Welcome to a world of information on the Portuguese of Trinidad & Tobago! This site aims to explore the history of Luso-Trinbagonians, that is, those whose ancestors hailed from Portugal, especially from the archipelago of Madeira. The Portuguese and their descendants have been a vital part of the Caribbean landscape for over 180 years. Today, Portuguese communities represent small minorities in several Caribbean territories. Despite their relatively limited numbers, the contribution of Luso-descendants to our region, in all spheres of life, is of great and lasting importance.
“Parliamentary Personalities” featuring former Albert Maria Gomes, first Chief Minister, member of the Legislative Council, unionist and writer, researched and presented by historian Prof Brinsley Samaroo.
“E se mais mundo houvera, lá chegara.” (“And if there had been more of the world, they would have reached it.”)
Luíz Vaz de Camões (Os Lusíadas VII, 14)